中国饮食文化 - 陕西师范大学 - 体验西安历史文化,赓续丝路文明传承 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Experience Xi’an history and culture, ceaseless the Silk Road civilization inheritance


Chinese Food culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course focuses on the characteristics of Chinese Food culture, course begins from "drink" "feed" two characters, introduces the ancient Chinese food culture, and then the characteristics of modern Chinese diet culture is described in detail, such as China's north-south diet differences, the festival food customs, the famous Eight Regional Cuisines, drinking with the wine and tea, chopsticks, etc., and through the trip of YongXing Fang food a day, to everyone, vivid introduction to the variety of shaanxi famous snacks, and the characteristics of the diet culture in xian. The course focuses on "eating" with rich and interesting content. It is suitable for students with HSK level 4 or above.


General Courses 通用课程