跟着镜头学汉语 - 陕西师范大学 - 爆竹声中学中文,字里行间看中国 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learn Chinese language through the sound of firecrackers. See China from the Chinese characters.


Advanced Chinese Language Wathch&Listen


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course focuses on learning the Chinese language and culture by watching videos. The course is divided into four topics: "hobbies", "motivation", "entrepreneurship" and "friends", the topics are close to life and lively and interesting. Under each theme, there are two selected videos where students follow the instructor's guidance to sort out the main idea of the video and learn related expressions, as well as to learn the vocabulary and grammar involved, which can be used in various areas of daily life. This course is rich in content, easy and fun to learn.It is suitable for students with HSK level 4 or above.


General Courses 通用课程