中国高速铁路:历程、现状与趋势 - 中南大学 - 中南大学2022年“乐学汉语 智游中国 ”“汉语桥”线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Central South University 2022 “Enjoy the Chinese Language, Explore the Chinese Wisdom”Chinese Bridge

中南大学2022年“乐学汉语 智游中国 ”“汉语桥”线上冬令营

Chinese high-speed railway: past, present and future


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Transportation is an important material foundation for a country’s prosperity and the foundation of a strong country. High-speed railway (HSR) has become one of the great name cards of China. This course will lead you to explore the past, present and future of the HSR.


General Courses 通用课程