走进科技校园——天津大学 - 天津大学 - 科技中国行 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The development of science and technology in China


Entering the Science Campus -- Tianjin University


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Tianjin University, formerly known as Beiyang University, was founded on October 2, 1895 as the first modern university in China. As a leader in the reform of new engineering education, Tianjin University has an early start in artificial intelligence research and has a solid foundation. This course mainly introduces the achievements of Tianjin University in artificial intelligence, including smart grid, driverless car technology, brain-computer control series, "Da Da Super Brain Program" and so on. It is hoped that this course will attract international talents who are interested in artificial intelligence to study in China and help the innovation breakthrough and industrial application of artificial intelligence technology in China.


General Courses 通用课程