中华文化的瑰宝—对联漫谈 - 德宏师范高等专科学校 - “汉语桥——滇西非遗文化体验”线上团组交流 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Online Camp-Experiencing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Western Yunnan


The Treasure of Chinese Culture-An Introduction to Couplets


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The couplet is a treasure of traditional Chinese culture which fully shows the characteristics of the integration of the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters, embodies the broad and profound connotation of Chinese culture, and vividly demonstrates the artistic charm of Chinese calligraphy. Couplets, also known as antithetical couplets, door couplets, spring couplets, column couplets, etc., are couplets written on paper, cloth or carved on bamboo, wood, and pillars. The characteristics of couplets are: equal number of words, the same part of speech, similar structure, related content, and harmonious tones. The types of couplets include festival couplets, elegiac couplets, scenic spots couplets, business couplets, inscription couplets and fun couplets. Taking Long Grand Couplet at Daguan Pavilion as an example, the couplet is characterized by ingenious conception, rich content, sincere emotion, exquisite calligraphy, and profound thoughts.


General Courses 通用课程