淘沙见金 成语初探 - 德宏师范高等专科学校 - “汉语桥——滇西非遗文化体验”线上团组交流 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Online Camp-Experiencing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Western Yunnan


Glistening Cultural Essence-a Preliminary Study of Chinese Idioms

淘沙见金 成语初探

Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course mainly covers the definition, function, basic features and origin of idioms in modern Chinese to facilitate a preliminary understanding of Chinese idioms. The first part introduces the meaning and use of idioms through dialogues such as “ren shan ren hai” (人山人海),xi qi yang yang(喜气洋洋), po fu chen zhou (破釜沉舟),“xue wu zhi jing”(学无止境) . The second part provides 4 idiom stories to introduce Chinese history and culture. Finally, 9 idioms will be learned through practice.


General Courses 通用课程