千年商都 - 广州城市职业学院 - 广州城市职业学院“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Guangzhou City Polytechnic “Chinese Bridge” online group exchange project


millennium commercial capital


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Guangzhou, known as the millennium commercial capital, thrives because of trade. Today, it is still a huge port on the coast of South China. Now, during the Canton Fair, thousands of businessmen gather here. Let's learn an important history related to this city.

广州,被称为千年商都, 因贸易而兴盛。 时至今日, 依然是南中国海岸线上的一座巨港, 现在的广交会期间,更是万商云集。 与这座城市相关的一段重要历史, 让我们一起来学习。

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