千年平遥古城 绽放时代光华 - 太原理工大学 - 云游山西古城,品味晋筑晋美 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Travel the Shanxi Ancient City Online, Feel the Beauty of Shanxi Architecture


The contemporary charm of Pingyao Ancient City with a long history

千年平遥古城 绽放时代光华

Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course through the protection of the ancient city, the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and the spirit of Shanxi merchants, feeling the contemporary charm of Pingyao ancient city. Deeply understand the three national intangible cultural heritages, namely Pingyao Push-light Lacquerware Technique, Guanyun Pingyao Beef Traditional Making Craft, Pingyao Shagexiren .


General Courses 通用课程