初识平遥古城 感受古城魅力 - 太原理工大学 - 云游山西古城,品味晋筑晋美 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Travel the Shanxi Ancient City Online, Feel the Beauty of Shanxi Architecture


Knowing Pingyao Ancient City and feeling its charm

初识平遥古城 感受古城魅力

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Through reading the article and learning new words, understanding the city walls, streets, shops, temples and dwellings of Pingyao ancient city, understanding the "Jin style brick carving", and feeling the carving skills of Shanxi architecture. This course through the new words and texts, getting a preliminary understanding of the walls, streets, shops, temples and dwellings of Pingyao Ancient City.


General Courses 通用课程