科幻电影中的人工智能 - 广州城市职业学院 - 广州城市职业学院“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Guangzhou City Polytechnic “Chinese Bridge” online group exchange project




Course Syllabus 课程章节


The main task of this course is to make learners understand the origin and development of AI technology, to understand the application of AI cases, to broaden the cognitive horizons of the latest technology related to the major; To understand the computer knowledge and skills required in the era of artificial intelligence, to cultivate students' information literacy, and to understand the development and application of the new generation of information technology, master the application of new technologies such as mobile Internet, Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, VR, block chain, etc. To master the application of artificial intelligence technology in different positions, to cultivate students' artificial intelligence literacy, to improve the application ability of artificial intelligence in the major studied, and to stimulate the potential of innovation, for the future to engage in related industries to lay a good foundation.


General Courses 通用课程