古词新声 - 杭州电子科技大学 - 古韵新声 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

A New Rendering of Traditional Culture


A New Voice of Classic Poetic Works


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Classical poetry and Ci are the double gems in the Chinese literature and art library. Although they have been produced for a long time, they are still fresh and nourishing generations of Chinese people. Classical poetry and Ci are also a bridge for international students to learn Chinese. With the introduction of Chinese pop songs, this lecture shows the new vitality of poetry and Ci from multiple perspectives by singing classical poetry and Ci in the current new songs. At the same time, this lecture also shared some typical poetic phenomena in life. Poetry and Ci are no longer obscure expressions in books, but vivid scenes! Through the study of this lecture, we hope more students can feel the beauty of Chinese poetry and Ci!


General Courses 通用课程