美团小哥和他的“小电驴” - 北京语言大学 - “中国速度,物流生活”线上主题学习营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“China Speed , Logistics Life” Online Studying Camp


Meituan Delivery Driver and His Tiny E-bike


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Takeaway delivery, referring to food for customers to take away from the restaurants, usually appears as a packet and is the earliest form of takeaway to emerge, albeit ancient, but developing. With the spread of phones and the internet, the takeaway industry has grown rapidly. This course takes a look at the insights of the takeaway industry, which is closely related to our lives, through the perspective of the customers. As a branch of logistics and delivery, the boom in the takeaway industry reflects the real life of people in urban China and it shows the great strength of “Chinese speed”.


General Courses 通用课程