美丽乡村--龙泉镇 - 山东工商学院 - 云端邂逅汉语 共话魅力中国—双向交流“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Meet Chinese online, let’s narrate charming China

云端邂逅汉语 共话魅力中国—双向交流“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目

The Beautiful Town--Longquan


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This is an introductory course for Longquan Town, a leisure and tourism hot spring town in the north . Longquan Town is located in the southeast of Muping District, Yantai City, with a total area of 160 square kilometers, 49,000 mu of cultivated land, a total population of 24,500, and 52 administrative villages under its jurisdiction. The Shangze Highway runs through the north and south of the town, and the Lili Highway crosses the east and west of the town. It is 40 kilometers away from Yantai and 30 kilometers away from Weihai .Longquan Town is adjacent to National Forest Park and KunyuMountain , a national nature reserve . This course will lead you to understand the basic situation of Longquan Town. Through the introduction of the basic situation, everyone can learn about the ecological environment, eco-tourism, and eco-agriculture of Longquan Town, a leisure and tourism hot spring town in northern China . Through the introduction, everyone can feel the modern development of Longquan Town. Through this course, students can also follow the explanation to enjoy the scenery of Longquan Town, experience the cultural atmosphere of the town, and feel the leisure and comfortable life in the town.


龙泉镇位于烟台市牟平区东南部,全镇总面积160平方公里, 耕地4.9万亩,总人口2.45万人,辖52个行政村。上泽公路纵贯镇域南北、俚李公路横穿镇域东西,距烟台40公里、威海30公里,到北部滨海仅需7分钟车程,到城铁牟平站需15分钟车程。龙泉镇毗邻国家森林公园、国家自然保护区昆嵛山。



General Courses 通用课程