《高台上的山西——戏曲表演》 - 山西师范大学 - 2022年“行走山西,穿越三晋”冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2022 Winter Camp and Experience Tour of Shanxi Culture


Shanxi on Stage—Traditional Opera Performance


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course will unfold in details about the skill sets in traditional opera performance, namely, Chang (singing), Nian (Recitation), Zuo (acting) and Da (acrobatics), exemplified with Puzhou Bangzi (Wooden Clapper Opera) also known as Pu Opera, the most extensive one among the four major Bangzi operas in Shanxi. Through elaborate demonstration of theories and practice assisted by pictures and videos in this regard, participants will have a knowledge of the singing styles and special skills in Pu Opera and take to the traditional Chinese opera culture.


General Courses 通用课程