古人的养生tips——黄帝内经、金匮要略、伤寒论中的养生金句及对应典故 - 广东外语外贸大学 - 面向南太平洋岛国地区中文学习者的“中医药文化传播”线上课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Online course of “cultural communication of TCM” for Chinese learners in South Pacific island countries and regions.


Ancient Health Tips - Tenets and Corresponding Allusions in Huangdi Neijing, Synopsis of Golden Chamber and Treatise on Febrile Diseases


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lesson will introduce the tenets and corresponding allusions in ancient TCM classics such as Huangdi Neijing, Synopsis of Golden Chamber and Treatise on Febrile Diseases. For example, according to Huangdi Neijing, the three months of spring are called the time new and the beginning of life. The whole of nature is full of life, and everything seems to be flourishing. At this time, people should go to bed early and get up early, and they can walk in the garden to keep their mood good and their minds open, and to maintain their vitality. Don’t kill indiscriminately, give more, take less, reward more, and punish less. This is the way to adapt to spring and maintain vitality. If you disobey the rule, the liver will be damaged, which will make the insufficiency for the qi of summer, and cold pathological changes will occur in summer. This course also covers other stories of health care for people of different ages in different climates and seasons.

本节课将介绍《黄帝内经》、《金匮要略》、《伤寒论》等中医经典古文中的养生金句及对应典故,如《黄帝内经》中:“春三月,此谓发陈, 天地俱生,万物以荣,夜卧早起,广步于庭,被发缓形, 以使志生,生而勿杀,予而勿夺,赏而勿罚,此春气之应,养生之道也。”等适合气候、季节、不同年龄人群的养生保健知识、故事。

General Courses 通用课程