中医运动生活的丰富多彩——南太平洋岛国常见疾病运动处方 - 广东外语外贸大学 - 面向南太平洋岛国地区中文学习者的“中医药文化传播”线上课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Online course of “cultural communication of TCM” for Chinese learners in South Pacific island countries and regions.


Rich and diversified exercise regimen in TCM - exercise regimens for common diseases in South Pacific island countries


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Because of the tropical climate and humid subtropical climate in the South Pacific region, residents are prone to cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, strain injury, arthritis and obesity. Based on the characteristics of the common diseases, this course will introduce the concept of exercise regimens in TCM. By introducing Ba Duan Jin(Eight Treasures - Energy Enhancement Exercises), Liu Zi Jue(Six Healing Sounds Exercise), Wu Qin Xi(Five-Animal Qigong Exercises), and other forms of exercise regimens such as swimming and jogging, we will help residents to accept the concept of TCM exercise regimen for health and bring into play the advantages of TCM in terms of simplicity and efficiency. In addition, based on the content of exercise regimens for common diseases in South Pacific island countries and combined with the local situation, this course covers the teaching of Chinese phonetics, phrases, reading, listening and speaking, to develop students’ overall language skills and improve their ability to express themselves logically in Chinese.


General Courses 通用课程