中医食疗的多样性之美——南太平洋岛国常见疾病的食疗 - 广东外语外贸大学 - 面向南太平洋岛国地区中文学习者的“中医药文化传播”线上课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Online course of “cultural communication of TCM” for Chinese learners in South Pacific island countries and regions.


The beauty and diversity of TCM diet therapy for common diseases in South Pacific island countries


Course Syllabus 课程章节


TCM uses diet therapy to maintain health and prevent disease, which is very different from drug therapy. Used in the form of food, diet therapy has a wide range of applications and is also more acceptable as an adjunct to medication or other measures to treat disease. This course will briefly introduce the concept of food therapy, as well as the food habits of South Pacific island countries, the TCM properties and uses of spices, and recipes of diet therapy for common diseases. Based on the content of diet therapy for common diseases in South Pacific island countries and combined with the local situation, this course covers the teaching of Chinese phonetics, phrases, reading, listening and speaking, to develop students’ overall language skills and improve their ability to express themselves logically in Chinese.


General Courses 通用课程