中国丝绸文化与丝绸面料纺织技艺 - 威海职业学院 - “描鸾刺凤·锦绣衣冠”——缅甸青年“中文+服饰设计与制作”职业技能提升项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Gorgeous, Chinese costumes with profound cultural background” —— a vocational skill upgrading project of “Chinese+Clothing Design and Production” for Myanmar youth


China Silk Culture and Silk Fabric Textile Techniques


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Silk is a specialty of China. The ancient Chinese working people invented and produced silk products on a large scale, which opened the first large-scale commercial exchange between the East and the West in world history. Silk is a high-end fabric for Chinese clothing and an important part of Chinese clothing culture. In this class, we have invited Mr. Bi Xudong, the inheritor of the century-old Yuhongxiang silk technique, to explain the silk culture, teach you how to reel silk, how to spin thread, and how to weave brocade, and experience the ancient Chinese silk production skills.


General Courses 通用课程