第1课 安阳殷墟甲骨文 - 北京语言大学 - 2022汉语桥“走进世遗·品味中国”高级汉语人才线上研修班 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The 2022 Chinese Bridge: Online Training of Advanced Talent in Chinese


Lesson 1 Oracle Bone Inscriptions from Yinxu in Anyang

第1课 安阳殷墟甲骨文

Course Syllabus 课程章节


There are many important archaeological discoveries in Yinxu, a world cultural heritage, and oracle bone inscriptions are one of them. You have learned a lot of modern Chinese characters, but do you want to know some of these oracle bone inscriptions and understand how Chinese characters evolved into what they are today? Do you want to know how Chinese characters are made? Do you want to know how these ancient writing characters were discovered? If you are interested in these questions, come to our Advanced Chinese Class. You can not only find the answers to these questions, but also improve your Chinese. Oracle Bone Inscriptions from Yinxu in Anyang is one of the series of Advanced Chinese courses entitled Guarding the Culture Fountainhead, which is taught in the form of lecture and practice. You can learn more than 30 new words, 2 grammar points, and do the Chinese article reading of more than 1300 words. You will also learn the common characters in oracle bone inscriptions in the form of games. Isn't that cool? Let’s join the class, and you will gain a lot!



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