汉乐府诗集《陌上桑》和东汉民族服饰 - 大连外国语大学 - 蓬莱文章建安骨—赏千年诗词,品传统文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Fantastic articles and the spirit of Chinese poetry——Appreciating Chinese poetry and Chinese traditional culture


Han Yue Fu (Which is an agency of collecting poems from the Han Dynasty) poems <Mo Shang Sang> and Eastern Han national costume.


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This is a narrative poem with serious intention and witty tone of the Han Dynasty. This poem is about a beautiful young woman named Luo Fu, which creates a beautiful, lively, intelligent, friendly and lovely female figure. The poet's description shifts from copying beautiful dress and appearance to expressing temperament. Through the dialogue between Luo Fu and the ambassador, her virtuous and upright character is fully demonstrated. Han Dynasty dress is worn to show the collar shape of the middle garment. White fabric for lining, wide cuffs, shirt sleeveless. Court dresses and accessories are extremely elaborate. For example, the belt hooks used in the belt are made of gold in the shape of various animals, the image is very vivid and interesting. It is the prominent ornament in the middle of the garment which is beautifully designed and made.



General Courses 通用课程