一起品尝孔府菜(二) - 曲阜师范大学 - 云游孔子故里,感受儒家文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Let’s try Confucian Dishes together(Ⅱ)


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This part will introduce six signature dishes of Confucian cuisine, Eight Treasures Soup of sea cucumber, abalone, fish maw and other delicacies, Book of Odes and Book of Rites Ginkgos,a dense, mildly sweet dessert named after two Confucius classics, a yellow pea flour “book” topped with nuts and drizzled with honey, Sweet Braised Pork Belly with Lotus Seeds, Special Spring Rolls,Grilled Mandarin Fish,and Confucius Soup of Hen, Duck and Pork Knuckle,to experience the culinary philosophy and cultural spirit of Confucianism.

本节品尝孔府菜6道菜品: 八仙过海闹罗汉、诗礼银杏、带子上朝、阳关三叠、烤花篮桂鱼、三套汤,带您感受儒家文化的饮食理念与文化精髓。

General Courses 通用课程