主题花境设计与施工 - 威海职业学院 - 俄罗斯大学生“中文+建筑装饰工程技术”职业技能提升项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Vocational Skills Improvement Program of“Chinese Language + Architectural Decoration Engineering Technology“for Russian College Students


Themed Flower Border Design and Construction


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Originating from the United Kingdom, the flower border is a form of planting flowers that simulates the staggered growth of a variety of wildflowers on the edge of the natural woodland, using artistic techniques to design and plant flowers, which uses root flowers, flower shrubs and other flower-viewing plants as the main material, and achieves natural harmony in form, color and seasonal phase in the form of natural bands or spots. In this course, the method of flower border design is introduced from seven fields: façade design, color design, seasonal phase design, graphic design, plant synthesis, and design drawings, taking the flower border work "Listening to the Waves" as an example, from the four aspects of flower material requirements, arranging planting beds, releasing lines, irrigation and layout, and planting to introduce the construction technology and maintenance management methods of flower boarder, and share the classic flower border cases at home and abroad.


General Courses 通用课程