重庆的夜色与光影 - 四川外国语大学 - “云游魔幻之城•重庆”—2022年四川外国语大学线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Wandering in Magic City Chongqing” 2022 SISU Online Winter Camp


Night and Light in Chongqing


Course Syllabus 课程章节


If you don’t enjoy the night scenery, you haven’t come to Chongqing. As one of the characteristics of Chongqing, night scenery has been very famous since ancient times. You can choose to take a cruise on Yangtze River or take the cableway and light rail to enjoy the beauty of Chongqing night. The lecture ,Night and Light in Chongqing, 90 minutes, is divided into four sections: Honors related to Chongqing night scene, characteristic activities, the beauty of night light and night economy.


General Courses 通用课程