重庆的饮食文化 - 四川外国语大学 - “云游魔幻之城•重庆”—2022年四川外国语大学线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Wandering in Magic City Chongqing” 2022 SISU Online Winter Camp


The Culture of Chongqing Cuisine


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chongqing cuisine is diverse and very special for its spicy characteristic. There are various chewy noodles, spicy Jianghu dishes and well-known Chongqing hot pot. The culture lecture, The Culture of Chongqing Cuisine,90 minutes length, includes three sections: Chongqing introduction; representative Chongqing food and dietary characteristics of Chongqing people.

重庆的饮食品种多样,以麻辣为特色,主要有“劲道多变”的重庆小面、“麻辣鲜香”的江湖菜以及“万物皆可烫”的重庆火锅。文化讲座“重庆的饮食文化”共 90分钟,共2课时,分为三个部分:重庆的简介;重庆的美食代表;重庆人的饮食特征。

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