中国传统服饰 - 山东大学 - 茶香四季——山东大学“汉语桥”中国茶文化专题体验项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Four Seasons of Tea Fragrance - “Chinese Bridge” Program of Chinese Tea Culture, Shandong University


Chinese Traditional Costume


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Each country cherishes its own national tradition, and the unique costume culture of each nation is a bright part of it. The most important dynasties in Chinese history, such as Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, have formed unique costume systems, reflecting the characteristics of a dynasty and the development process of continuous integration of costume culture. We also want to know about Serbian traditional costumes. Would you like to share them with us?


General Courses 通用课程