冰雪运动的力与美 - 北京工业大学 - 中文+魅力双奥城 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Language and The City of The Double Olympics


The Power and Beauty of Ice-Snow Sports


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The 24th Winter Olympic Games is held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China from February 4 to February 20, 2022. There are 15 sports in Beijing Winter Olympic Games, including short track speed skating, figure skating, speed skating, curling, ice hockey, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, platform jumping skiing, cross-country skiing, Nordic biathlon, alpine skiing, sledge, snowmobile, steel frame snowmobile, etc. Let's approach the Beijing Winter Olympics, learn about these Ice-Snow Sports, and discover and appreciate their power and beauty.


General Courses 通用课程