中医保健功法介绍 - 天津中医药大学 - 天津中医药大学“汉语桥”中医汉语线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Online Winter Camp on TCM Chinese by Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


TCM Fitness Qigong


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Baduanjin is an independent and complete fitness exercise. It has a long history in China. The ancients compared this set of movements to "Brocade" to show its delicacy and luxury. The movements of Baduanjin is stretch and beautiful and the arrangement is exquisite, and it has a good fitness and health preservation effect. The movements are soft and slow, round and coherent, the combination of elasticity and tightness, and the combination of moving and static. The whole set includes 8 movements and it consists of 10 movements including preparation and ending posture. Eight Forms Taijiquan is composed of representative movements of Taijiquan. The content is refined and focused. It is much easier to practice. The movements are even and slow and looks like clouds and flowing water. The whole set of movements consists of a single action symmetrical left and right, including 10 movements with starting and ending posture.



General Courses 通用课程