学汉字 知三国 - 四川大学 - ​2022年“品三国文化,赏巴蜀风韵”——“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Chinese character culture in the history of the Three Kingdoms

学汉字 知三国

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Learning Chinese Characters is a video course based on historical figures and historical stories in the Three Kingdoms. It selects the Chinese character culture related to wisdom, loyalty, courage, friendship, ambition and emotion to teach, so that students can feel the fresh and vivid characters and the unique Chinese character culture in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

《学汉字 知三国》这门录播课是以三国中的历史人物、历史故事为背景,选取与智慧、忠义、勇气、友情、志向、情感有关的汉字文化进行讲授,让学生在三国历史中感受鲜活灵动的人物气息,以及别开生面、意味隽永的中国汉字文化。

General Courses 通用课程