武动乾坤——太极功夫扇 - 山东师范大学 - 中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁

中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁

Martial arts move the universe——Taiji Kung Fu Fan


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Tai Chi Kung fu fan draws on the essence of traditional Chinese martial arts and integrates the movements of Tai Chi with the movements of different styles of martial arts, combines the fan waving and Tai Chi movement skills flexibly. Learn Chinese Tai Chi, cultivate righeous spirit. It is the first choice for people to cultivate their sentiment and strengthen the body.


General Courses 通用课程