神奇的汉字(1) - 辽宁师范大学 - 辽宁师范大学 翻译人才——“汉语桥”中文+职业夏令营(俄罗斯) - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Liaoning Normal University 2022“Chinese+Vocational Skills ”Summer Camp Online for Russia

辽宁师范大学 翻译人才——“汉语桥”中文+职业夏令营(俄罗斯)

Magical Chinese Characters(1)


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Each Chinese character is a poem, a painting, a story, an episode in history, a legend, a drama full of wisdom ...... Each Chinese character is vividly flowing with the bloodline of our Chinese ancestors, recording the thousands of years of life and social changes of the Han people. This course introduces the origin of Chinese characters, the evolution of Chinese characters, and the interesting stories brought to us by a group of pictographs, phonograms, associate compounds characters, and ideograms.



General Courses 通用课程