汉字发展历程 - 北京国际汉语研修学院 - 2022“汉语桥”--青少年学生“魅力中文 灿烂文化”线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The Chinese Bridge--Online Summer Camp for Foreign Students on “Amazing Chinese Language and Splendid Chinese Culture”

2022“汉语桥”--青少年学生“魅力中文 灿烂文化”线上夏令营

The History of the Development of Chinese Characters


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Hanzi(Chinese characters)are one of the most attractive symbols of Eastern civilization. They record the Chinese language and are also the basic symbol of the formation of Chinese civilization and an important vehicle for communicating. They are also widely used in the Hanzi culture circle. Some scholars believe that hanzi are the fifth greatest invention in China. Compared with other kinds of written languages, what are the unique features of hanzi? Where did they originate? What are the formations of hanzi? How to write hanzi correctly? Now let's explore the developmental history of hanzi together and learn about the rules of hanzi in order to better understand them.




General Courses 通用课程