南京云锦 - 天津外国语大学 - 汉语桥—非遗文化体验 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Intangible Cultural Heritige Experience,“Chinese Bridge” Program Online 2022,Tianjin Foreign Studies University


Nanjing Yun Brocade


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Nanjing Yun Brocade is a traditional Chinese silk handicraft known as the “gold-like brocade”, which has a history of 1,600 years. Today, only Yun Brocade still maintains its traditional characteristics and unique skills, and has always retained the traditional jacquard machine weaving. This traditional hand-weaving technique relying on people’s memory still cannot be replaced by modern machines. The film leads everyone to enjoy the beauty of Yun Brocade together.

南京云锦是中国传统的丝制工艺品,有“寸锦寸金”之称,至今已有一千六百年历史。 如今只有云锦还保持着传统的特色和独特的技艺,一直保留着传统的提花木机织造,这种靠人记忆编织的传统手工织造技艺仍无法用现代机器来替代。该片带领大家一起领略云锦之美。

Course Syllabus


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