经络现代研究 - 南京中医药大学 - 2021越南团组“汉语桥”中医文化营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 NJUCM Chinese Bridge For Vietnam Online TCM Culture Camp


Modern research on meridian theory


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Meridian theory is one of the important basic knowledge of Traditional Chinese medicine, including twelve meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, fifteen collaterals and so on. The modern research of meridian theory mainly includes the modern interpretation of classical meridian theory, the basic experimental research of meridian theory, and the clinical application of meridian theory. Among them, the classical meridian theory is based on the text records of the "Meridian section" in Lingshu, including the circulation of twelve meridians, symptoms and treatment principles. The modern interpretation of classical meridian theory is the premise of basic experimental research and clinical application research.


General Courses 通用课程