温病经典选讲-《温热论》开泄法与苦泻法 - 南京中医药大学 - 2021越南团组“汉语桥”中医文化营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 NJUCM Chinese Bridge For Vietnam Online TCM Culture Camp


Series Lectures on Classics of epidemic and febrile diseases -- the method of opening and draining and the method of bitter catharsis in the treatise on epidemic and febrile diseases


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course introduces the academic thoughts of the famous Classics the treatises on epidemic and febrile diseases, and the treatment of distension and fullness in chest and epigastrium caused by damp-heat pathogen. The main contents include as follows: -The different pathogenesis, diagnostic points and treatment of distension and fullness in chest and epigastrium in damp-heat diseases; -Analysing the different indications of the method of opening and draining and the method of bitter catharsis by tongue coating; -Elucidating the clinical application points of the method of opening and draining and the method of bitter catharsis through medical records.


General Courses 通用课程