工业机器人控制与应用 - 广东工贸职业技术学院 - “汉语桥”中文+工业机器人技术体验团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese + Industrial Robot” Experience Project Introduction


Industrial Robot application and control


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course " Industrial Robot application and control " is a major professional technical course and a multidisciplinary comprehensive technology. It involves automatic control, computers, sensors, artificial intelligence, electronic technology, mechanical engineering and other disciplines. Its purpose is to enable students to understand the basic structure of industrial robots, understand and master the basic knowledge of industrial robots, and enable students to have a complete understanding of robots and their control systems. Cultivate students' practical ability in robotics. Cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems in robotics, and lay a necessary robotics foundation for professional work after graduation. The teaching system of the industrial robot specialty in our university is divided into four stages, from the foundation of industrial robot technology, to the virtual simulation of industrial robot, to the disassembly and maintenance of industrial robot, and finally to the comprehensive training of industrial robot professional grade certificate, which are linked and supported each other. As the lowest level of the system, the course of Indusrial Robot application and control will have a comprehensive understanding of industrial robots, enable novice students to establish a clear understanding of industrial robots, be able to skillfully complete their basic operations, and be able to contact real daily work cases of industrial robot equipment. After the completion of this course, students will be able to undertake the work of some industrial robot application engineers.

《工业机器人控制与应用》课程是一门主要专业技术课,是一门多学科的综合性技 术 它涉及自动控制、计算机、传感器、人工智能 、电子技术和机械工程等多学科的内容其目的是 使学生了解工业机器人的基本结构 了解和掌握工 业机器人的基本知识 使学生对机器人及其控制系统有一个完整的理解。培养学生在机器人技术方面具有一定的动手能力。培养学生在机器人技术方面 分析与解决问题的能力,为毕业后从事专业工作打下必要的机器人技术基础。


General Courses 通用课程