一起“嗦粉”吧! - 广西民族大学 - 广西文化特色 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Unique Culture of Guangxi


Let’s Eat Rice Noodles Together


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course introduces Guangxi rice noodles and divides into 7 modules: Introduction, the Origin of Rice Noodles, Guilin Rice Noodles, Liuzhou Field Snail Rice Noodles, Nanning Old Friends Rice Noodles and Welcome to “Suo Fen”in Guangxi. Also, the course sets up 6 tasks, which are Self-introduction, Introduction of Your Hometown Cuisine, Online Eating Show, I Am A Painter and Mind Mapping. By taking this course, students will be capable of using what they have learned to think in connection with their own life experiences, and expressing themselves in Chinese through speaking, writing, painting, video producing and so on.

课程介绍了广西米粉,内容分为介绍、米粉起源、桂林米粉、柳州螺蛳粉、南宁老友粉、欢迎来广西嗦粉7大模块,并设置了自我介绍、介绍家乡美食、今天我来做“吃播”、我是画家、思维导图6大任务供学生在学习过程中运用所学, 联系自身实际情况及生活体验,进行思考,并通过口语、写作、绘画、视频制作等方式进行汉语表达。

General Courses 通用课程