云游西安城墙 - 渭南师范学院 - 秦东文化研学团 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learning Chinese & Experiencing Culture in East Qin


Online Visit to Xi’an City Wall


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Course Description This course aims to expose learners to the antiquated moat, a huge suspense bridge, the rampart, the compound, Zhenglou (the central rampart), Zhalou (rampart with a suspense bridge), Jianlou (rampart for shooting arrows), crenels and a range of parapet. It will offer them an opportunity to experience the legends, tales relating to Xi’an City and the residents’ordinary life around the City Wall with videos, pictures, and PPT. Meanwhile, it may enable learners to acquire Chinese pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm in the connected speech. The course is to reach a double teaching goal that learners may promote Chinese language skills and experience the glamorous culture as well.



General Courses 通用课程