学习了解太极拳 - 河北经贸大学 - 2021年“汉语桥”—“联合抗疫之路,固中尼友谊之桥” 之尼泊尔线上团组交流活动项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The Chinese Bridge Delegation Online—Learning Camp of Chinese Language for Nepal

2021年“汉语桥”—“联合抗疫之路,固中尼友谊之桥” 之尼泊尔线上团组交流活动项目

Learn about Tai Chi


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Tai Chi integrates elements such as Chinese philosophy, religion, medicine and art. It is an embodiment of the essence of Chinese martial arts. It has distinct Chinese characteristics and profound national heritage. It is closely related to Chinese traditional culture. It is the product of Chinese culture and a typical representative of Chinese national spirit. This course enables students to deeply understand the connotation of Tai Chi by learning the basic knowledge of Tai Chi.


General Courses 通用课程