访古寻胜处之敦煌 - 北京语言大学 - “访古寻胜处”——世界遗产在中国”主题交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Visiting Excellent Ancient Sights-World Heritage in China” themed camp


Visiting Excellent Ancient Sights—Dunhuang


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Dunhuang is located at the western end of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province. We know that in the second century B.C. when Zhang Qian during the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, was assigned to go to the Western Regions Central Plains culture and western culture were introduced into Dunhuang. Dunhuang thus became a major town on the Silk Road. Since then, Dunhuang has long played an important role in the cultural interaction of Eurasian countries and the cultural integration between the Central Plains and other ethnic groups. As Buddhism spread eastward to China Dunhuang was an important stop.


General Courses 通用课程