访古寻胜处之苏州园林 - 北京语言大学 - “访古寻胜处”——世界遗产在中国”主题交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Visiting Excellent Ancient Sights-World Heritage in China” themed camp


Visiting Excellent Ancient Sights-The Classical Gardens of Suzhou


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The Classical Gardens of Suzhou, also known as the Gardens of Suzhou, is a general term for Chinese Classical Gardens located in the Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. In the Gardens of Suzhou, the houses and the gardens are integrated as one, so you can enjoy the scenery, wander in the villa, and live in the house at the same time. People who live in the crowded city are devoid of natural landscapes. So, they create the Gardens to express their love for nature, improve their living environment and to live harmoniously with nature. The philosophy, history and customs contained in the Gardens symbolize the traditions and local customs south of the Yangtze River, showing the essence of Chinese culture. To sum up, The Gardens of Suzhou have a unique historical meaning and great artistic value in the history of garden.

苏州古典园林,亦称“苏州园林”,是位于江苏省苏州市境内的中国古典园林的总称。 苏州古典园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居。这种建筑形态的形成,是在人口密集和缺乏自然风光的城市中,人类依恋自然、追求与自然和谐相处、美化和完善自身居住环境的一种创造。苏州古典园林所蕴涵的中华哲学、历史、人文习俗是江南人文历史传统、地方风俗的一种象征和浓缩,展现了中国文化的精华,在世界造园史上具有独特的历史地位和重大的艺术价值。

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