码头文化 - 重庆理工大学 - 云游魔幻山城,感知当代重庆 ——2022重庆理工大学线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Cloud Traveling in the Magical Mountain City to Feel and Experience the Modern Chongqing”---2022 CQUT Online Winter Camp

云游魔幻山城,感知当代重庆 ——2022重庆理工大学线上冬令营

Wharf culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chongqing is surrounded not only by mountains, but also by rivers. For thousands of years, the wharf has shouldered the burden of nurturing Chongqing. Therefore, the wharf culture is not only the most characteristic culture of Chongqing, but also an important carrier of Chongqing’s cultural spirit. This course video consists of six parts, respectively introducing the history of Chongqing wharf culture, representative Chongqing wharf, form of wharf culture, language culture of wharf, wharf culture and Chongqing character, and today’s Chongqing wharf. Teachers vividly show the ups and downs of Chongqing wharf after the baptism of years, outline the traditional character of Chongqing, which is enthusiastic, forthright and righteous and dynamically write the contemporary urban spirit of daring to innovate and advance bravely. Through in-depth understanding of urban regional culture, students can deepen their three-dimensional, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Chinese culture.


General Courses 通用课程