体验中国文化(4)——八段锦 - 海南大学 - “汉语桥”当代中国—美丽新海南线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” Contemporary China—Beautiful New Hainan Online Exchange Program


Experiencing Chinese Culture (4) –Baduanjin


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course adopts Chinese Health Qigong·Ba Duan Jin (abbreviated version) promoted by Compiled by the Chinese Health Qigong Association as the main content. Chinese Health Qigong·Ba Duan Jin is suitable for men, women and children, easy to learn, long-term practice can help improve physical immunity, improve mental health. Chinese Health Qigong·Ba Duan Jin in addition to the Ready Position and Closing Form, a total of eight movements, respectively for Holding the Hands High with Palms Up to Regulate the Internal Organs(两手托天理三焦)、Posing as an Archer Shooting Both Left- and Right-Handed (左右开弓似射雕)、Holding One Arm Aloft to Regulate the Functions of the Spleen and Stomach (调理脾胃须单举)、Looking Backwards to Prevent Sickness and Strain (五劳七伤往后瞧)、Swinging the Head and Lowering the Body to Relieve Stress (摇头摆尾去心火)、Moving the Hands down the Back and Legs, and Touching the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys(两手攀足固肾腰)、Thrusting the Fists and Making the Eyes Glare to Enhance Strength(攒拳怒目增气力)、Routine 8 Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure Diseases(背后七颠百病消).



General Courses 通用课程