非遗扎染制作技艺 - 山东科技职业学院 - “时尚霓裳”中国纺织服装文化体验之旅”项目简介 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The Project Introduction of “Fashionable Clothes” Chinese Textile and Garment Cultural Experience Tour


Intangible Cultural Heritage tie-dye Making Skills


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course of this video includes three aspects: tie-dye, exploring the history of tie-dye, inheritance and innovation. Wonderful pictures and typical videos are inserted in the course, which fully shows the artistic charm of traditional Chinese manual tie-dye skills and improves the foreign students' interest in Chinese intangible cultural heritage tie-dyeing skills.


General Courses 通用课程