非遗文化中国结制作技艺 - 山东科技职业学院 - “时尚霓裳”中国纺织服装文化体验之旅”项目简介 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The Project Introduction of “Fashionable Clothes” Chinese Textile and Garment Cultural Experience Tour


Intangible cultural heritage Chinese knot making skills


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The Chinese knot is the wisdom and creation of the working people. It contains traditional Chinese aesthetics and has unique shapes, gorgeous colors and auspicious meanings. This course includes 4 short videos including the historical origins and cultural connotation of Chinese knots, the tools and materials for Chinese knot knots, the basic knot weaving method and the production of pan-length knot ornaments.


General Courses 通用课程