广东“一核一带一区” - 华南师范大学 - “魅力湾区,动感岭南” - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Charming Bay area, Dynamic Lingnan”


Guangdong´s One Core Region, One Belt and One Area Initiative


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Guangdong´s “One Core Region, One Belt and One Area Initiative” is one of the economic chapters of the Yunyou Bay Area series of courses. Under the major opportunity of promoting the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Guangdong Provincial Government has proposed a new regional development pattern of "One Core Region, One Belt and One Area Initiative", according to the basic conditions, resource endowments and comparative advantages of each region, the province is divided into three functional areas: the core area of the Pearl River Delta, the coastal economic belt and the northern ecological development zone, forming a coordinated development pattern with reasonable layout and clear regional division of labor. This course is 60 minutes long and divided into 3 videos, covering the main overview and related concepts of Guangdong's“One Core Region, One Belt and One Area Initiative”. The course content includes three parts: the first part is what is the one core region, one belt and one area initiative, including the functional positioning of the one core region, one belt and one area initiative, and which cities are included; the second part is from the core area of the Pearl River Delta, the coastal economic belt and the northern ecological development zone, which specifically includes the development ideas, development stages and development characteristics of the one core region, one belt and one area initiative; the third part is the specific measures implemented in the one core region, one belt and one area initiative, and the concept behind them, on the basis of which it focuses on the ever-changing social development and new appearance of contemporary Guangdong. Through the study of this course, students can understand the economic ties and economic development of the Greater Bay Area and its surrounding areas, the development direction and key points of the one core region, one belt and one area initiative, understand the concept of adapting to local conditions, common prosperity and coordinated development, and feel Guangdong under the development plan of "One Core Region, One Belt and One Area Initiative" at multiple levels and in multiple dimensions.




General Courses 通用课程