多民族的茶礼与文化内涵 - 南方医科大学 - 南方医科大学汉语桥——“岭南医药文化特色”线上团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge “Lingnan Medical Culture”Delegation Online Program by SMU


Multi-ethnic tea ceremony and cultural connotation


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Tea is not only a drink, but also combined with the religious beliefs, customs and aesthetic interests of various ethnic minorities, embedded in the lifestyle and cultural symbols. Like tea, China’s ethnic minorities have a close relationship with it, and each ethnic minority has its own set of complete tea culture.The video introduces tea custom and tea etiquette of ten ethnic minorities which will enrich the students about the connotation of tea and comprehend of the harmony and unity between different ethnic groups. Specifically, “Three Tea” of Bai ethnic group,Tibetan buttered tea,Uyghur milk tea,Bulang bamboo-tube tea,Lisu leixiang tea,Hakka grinding tea,Pot tea of Hui nationality,Oil-tea camellia of Yao ethnic group,De'ang sour tea and Kung Fu tea. Tea culture of various ethnic groups not only enriches Chinese tea culture with its distinctive regional characteristics and unique national style, but also has become an inseparable and important part of Chinese tea culture.

茶不仅是一种饮料,还与各个少数民族的宗教信仰、风俗习惯、审美情趣相结合,内嵌到生活方式和文化符号中。中国少数民族与茶有着密切的联系,每个少数民族有着各自一套完整的茶文化。本课程内容介绍了十个少数民族的茶俗、茶礼,让学员领略中国的少数民族茶文化内涵,并加深对于中国民族团结一家亲的理解。具体包括白族三道茶、藏族酥油茶、维吾尔族奶茶、布朗族竹筒茶、僳僳族雷响茶、客家擂茶、回族的罐罐茶、瑶族的油茶、德昂族的酸茶、 广东和福建沿海的工夫茶等。各民族的茶文化现象以其鲜明的地域特色和独特的民族风格丰富了中国茶文化,成为中国茶文化不可分割的重要组成部分。

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