中国东北剪纸 - 白城师范学院 - 云端中国风 瀚海东北情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese style on cloud Northeast custom in Hanhai”

云端中国风 瀚海东北情

Paper Cutting in Northeast China


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese paper-cutting is a folk art of using scissors or carving knives to cut patterns on paper to decorate life or to complement other folk activities. In China, paper-cutting has a wide popular base and is interwoven into the social life of people of all ethnic groups, and is an important part of various folklore activities. Its visual images and stylistic forms contain rich cultural and historical information and express the social perceptions, moral concepts, practical experiences, life ideals and aesthetic interests of the general public, and have multiple social values such as cognition, edification, expression, entertainment and communication.

中国剪纸是一种用剪刀或刻刀在纸上剪刻花纹,用于装点生活或配合其他民俗活动的民间艺术。在中国,剪纸具有广泛的群众基础,交融于各族人民的社会生活,是各种民俗活动的重要组成部分。其传承赓续的视觉形象和造型格式,蕴涵了丰富的文化历史信息,表达了广大民众的社会认知、道德观念、实践经验、生活理想和审美情趣,具有认知、教化、表意、抒情、娱乐、交往等多重社会价值 。

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