中国楹联文化 - 白城师范学院 - 云端中国风 瀚海东北情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese style on cloud Northeast custom in Hanhai”

云端中国风 瀚海东北情

Chinese Couplet Culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The couplets, commonly known as “Duilian”, originated in the ancient Chinese folk custom of hanging peachwood charm against evil during the New Year. In terms of genre, couplets are a literary form which can be juxtaposed with poetry, fiction and prose, except that it is a special form with only two lines, so it is also called “two-line literature”. Couplets are a unique literary form in Chinese, with its focus on the neat and balanced form, melodious and harmonious sound, and as well as rich and profound meaning. This course begins with the origin and characteristics of couplets, interesting stories about couplets, folk customs of couplets and scenic spots sticking on couplets to help students appreciate Chinese couplet culture. In people’s daily and social life, couplets, as a form of folk culture, have become a medium for people to express their feelings. For the birth of a child, the success in the imperial examination, the start of a family, and the celebration of an elder's birthday, couplets can be used to express people’s most most sincere and best wishes. In scenic spots and historical sites, couplets, as a cultural phenomenon, are integrated with the beauty of landscape to guide visitors to appreciate the beauty of the higher spiritual connotations in the natural scene. As a cultural treasure of China, the couplets embody the beauty of the meaning, sound and form of Chinese characters. They not only look neat and beautiful but also sound catchy and sonorous. In the form of couplets which is the most distinctive one of Chinese literature and art, Chinese characters show the world the unique charm of Chinese culture.

楹联,俗称对联,它起源于中国古代民间过年时挂桃符的习俗。从文体性质上说,楹联是一种可以跟诗歌、小说、散文并列的文学形式,只是这种文学形式比较特殊,只有两行,因此又称之为“两行文学”。它是汉语独有的一种文学形式,讲究对称平衡,音韵和谐,内涵丰富。本课程从楹联的起源与特点、楹联里的趣事、楹联里的民俗、楹联里的名胜入手品味中国楹联文化。在人们的日常生活和社会生活中,楹联作为一种民俗文化形式,成为人们表达情感的媒介。从小孩子出生,到金榜题名,长大成家立业,到给老人家祝寿,都可以用楹联来表达最真诚最美好的祝愿。在名胜古迹中,楹联作为一种文化现象,与佳山好水融为一体,引导游人在对自然山水的观赏中领略更高一层精神内涵的美。作为中华文化之瑰宝,楹联集中体现了汉字的意美、音美、形美,看起来整齐美观,读起来琅琅上口,听起来铿锵悦耳。汉字以楹联这种最具中国特色的文学艺术  形式,向世界展示着中华文化的独特魅力。

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