东北冰雪文化与民间冰雪运动 - 白城师范学院 - 云端中国风 瀚海东北情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese style on cloud Northeast custom in Hanhai”

云端中国风 瀚海东北情

Ice-Snow Culture and Folk Sports in Northeast China


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The high latitudes of northeast China has created a climate of frozen land and thousands of miles of snow. Living in the extremely cold desert and snowy area, the ancestors of the north have developed a unique ice and snow culture and colorful winter sports in the process of struggling with harsh natural environment. The course will introduce ice and snow culture from five aspects: geographical position, folk-custom characteristics, rite of snow, snow entertainment and wonders of ice and snow. It also presents ice and snow sports in northeast China from three aspects: the origin and development of ice and snow sports, the origin and evolution of Winter Olympics games and the display of folk ice and snow sports in northeast China. Through this course, students will learn about not only the formation of ice and snow culture and the development of ice and snow sports in northeast China, but also the concept of living in harmony with nature and optimistic and fearless life attitude of the ancestors.



General Courses 通用课程