三坊七巷历史文化探秘 - 福建师范大学 - 2022年“汉语桥”线上团组项目-福建师范大学汉语与海丝文化冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Language & Maritime Silk Road Culture Winter Camp Online 2022, Fujian Normal University


The Secret of Sanfang-Qixiang


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Sanfang-Qixiang was formed in the Jin Dynasty (AD 266-420), which has basically preserved the historical pattern of Fang Xiang to today, and it is one of the few "living fossils of the Lifang System" in China. With this course introducing the history and culture of Sanfang-Qixiang, more overseas students can deeply understand the story of Fuzhou city, and perceive Fujian and China in a deeper way.


General Courses 通用课程